Debian packages for logsurfer, a tool for monitoring system logs in real-time.

Debian packages » Ubuntu PPA » Source on github » Author's homepage »

Current packages for Debian (unstable, but should work with all Debian releases) can be found at:

Update April 2013: Unfortunately I did not find a mentor for the package. So for now, you have to build the package yourself from source if you want to have the most recent version. Note: The changes are rather minor and only debian packaging specific, so if the packages provided from this site or the Ubuntu PPA work for you, just use them. By the way, if you are a Debian maintainer or developer and want to adopt this package, please feel free to do so!

How to build from source:

git clone
# you need to checkout "pristine-tar" once:
git checkout pristine-tar

# debian sid
git checkout master
git-buildpackage --git-pristine-tar

# debian squeeze 
git checkout squeeze
git-buildpackage --git-debian-branch=squeeze --git-pristine-tar

# ubuntu lucid
git checkout lucid
git-buildpackage --git-debian-branch=lucid --git-pristine-tar

# source for ubuntu lucid (for uploading to the PPA)
git-buildpackage --git-debian-branch=lucid --git-pristine-tar --git-builder="debuild -S -sa"